Skyrocketing capacity demands and emerging 5G and industrial internet URLLC applications currently pose a new strict latency-oriented framework calling urgently for new radical architectural changes at the key aggregation infrastructure being in local proximity to the subscribers: the Central Offices (COs). OCTAPUS aims to deliver an agile, low-cost and energy-efficient PIC technology framework that will re-architect the NGCO ecosystem, transparently upgrading its capacity to 51.2Tb/s and beyond, through an innovative optically-switched backplane and transceiver toolkit. To realize its ambitious goals, OCTAPUS will B2leverage the novel integration of antimony-based Phase Change Materials (PCM) on the low-cost SiN deploy a versatile portfolio of InP-based O-band optical components equip its novel PICs with low loss and compact interfaces to fibers, synergize the developed optical components in a novel NGCO architecture,.
Role of SMART Photonics
SMART Photonics will carry out the design and fabrication of O-band DBR lasers, QCSE EAMs, Pin PDs and SSCs. We will also provide the complete photonic O-band transceiver toolkit through 3 fabrication iterations.
For more information go to the OCTAPUS website , Linkedin or contact Ruud Vullers
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070009.
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