INSPIRE aims to revolutionize photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology by combining two technologies, InP photonics and SiN photonics, in a single platform through wafer-scale micro-transfer printing technology. This platform will allow to combine high-performance III-V opto-electronic components (semiconductor optical amplifiers, high-speed phase modulators and photodetectors) operating in the C-band with the high-performance passive functionality of the SiN platform (high performance filters, 5dB/m waveguide loss), on 200mm wafers.
The micro-transfer printing integration approach enables high-throughput integration of III-V devices on SiN photonic integrated circuits with better than 1 um alignment accuracy, resulting in high-performance, low-cost photonic integrated circuits. While being applicable in a wide range of mega-markets, the INSPIRE technology will be validated by three use cases: the case of a distributed fiber sensing readout unit based, the case of a microwave photonics RF pulse generator and a datacentre switch fabric. Compact models of the III-V opto-electronic components will be developed enabling designers to exploit this platform for a wide range of applications.
SMART Photonics develops and provide epitaxial material for the InP-based integration platform. We fabricate validation runs to demonstrate manufacturability and reproducibility of the proposed InP devices. Finally SMART Photonics provides input and support to the project partners responsible for InP device and process flow design and for system integration and assembly.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°101017088, project INSPIRE
For more information click:
– for the INSPIRE website
– the press release
– INSPIRE_flyer SMART Photonics
Or contact Ruud Vullers at
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